Infinite Stratos OVA

Howdy, stranger. Reckon you wanted to watch Char and Ichika act like idiots. Here’s some more IS stuff for you.

Finals are nearly over for me and they’re totally over for Strike. He’s back on K-On!! and Maid-sama.


Infinite Stratos BD Batch


So, we first started releasing the Blurays back in April 2011, but we announced our intent to encode the Blurays back in the End of February 2011 Report. That’s a delay factor of 7 months, which isn’t too bad compared to some other series we’ve done.

In any case, we can finally put this project to rest. Enjoy watching a group of girls try to get into the pants of a gay guy.


Infinite Stratos 7-8 BD

OK, releasing this on Strike’s behalf. We actually got this out just in time.

Strike’s been having horrible internet issues—never sign up with Comcast.

Anyways, enjoy your Charles.


Side note: This is the first release to feature our personal tracker and is archived on our personal server. So should NyaaTorrents ever go down, we can actually host the entire torrent-delivery infrastructure by ourselves.

The data itself is on the seedbox. DDL’s whenever Strike gets enough internet uptime.

Infinite Stratos 5-6 BD

Okay, there are a TON of pics I wanted to post for these episodes so get ready.

In case you’re still confused, don’t worry, it’s not a trap. They’re for real, just look at them.

By the way, why do the gay guys get all the girls?

And last but not least:


Infinite Stratos 3-4 BD

ARE YOU READY TO RUMMMMBBBLLLEEEEE?! IS 3-4 finally coming at you along with Gundam 00 from Helios?! Are you dreaming?

And yes, I know I’m behind on DDL’s— like REALLY behind. Helios is gonna help me clean that up b/c my internet sucks and nobody else wants to deal with it. Anyway, I gotta get back to KWZ. Btw, thank Helios for that first pic.



Infinite Stratos (3) 720p


Infinite Stratos (4) 720p


Infinite Stratos 1-2 BD

In what seems to be an unusually quick turn-around, we have fully encoded the IS 1-2 BD’s for you guys in record time. Strike will upload the 720p’s whenever he wakes up tomorrow, but, for now, you’ll just have to settle for the higher quality 1080p’s. Oh darn…


DDL Links

IS 1

1080p | 720p

IS 2

1080p | 720p

Infinite Stratos (12) + Batch

NO!!  It’s finally happened…  IS has ended. /sob  BUT ALL IS NOT LOST!  We’ll be releasing the BD’s of this series starting as soon as I feel bored enough to do them, which will hopefully be by Sunday.  Anyway, here’s the batch.  I think I’ll end this series with… Houki in a bikini!

Now I understand the phrase NOR4U!  I’m just hoping the BD’s have an alternate all girls skinny dipping ending…

Torrent (ep 12 DDL)

Infinite Stratos (11)

So, this episode reveals that Ichika is perhaps the most tactically inept anime character in existence. I’d explain how horribly he fails but I think by now it’s a moot point. At least he isn’t a complete bitch though. Anyway, HOUKI IS SO CUTE! LOOKY LOOKY!

Kitty ears + boob shot + big smile = WIN!!!

Torrent (DDL)

Infinite Stratos (9)

Wasn’t sure which picture to post, so here’s a bunch of them.

Torrent (DDL)