High School of the Dead 7 v2

The RAW we used for the first release of this episode was terrible and incredibly difficult to work with. The final result was pretty awful: large and choppy. We’ve fixed both of these issues in this release. It’s smaller, looks just as good, and isn’t choppy. How about those apples?



  1. guys…first of all…i’m proud to say that i like your hsotd release…yours are much clearer and crispier compare to others…good job guys…but can i just suggest something…could you please sub the karaoke??..or maybe rip TMD karaoke..keep rocking hsotd guys…p.s in some time would you do a release of epi 1-6 of this series??

  2. Yeah, now I can bomb that 0.5GB file from my PS HDD and replace it with this one…. oh an I have an excuse to watch it again!

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